Kerrilynn Pamer

We met the glowing Kerrilynn Pamer to get the story on CAP’s beauty secrets- found here. We have major FOMO every time we get an email from them- wishing we were in NY. Luckily, we can still shop from them online + get the inside scoop on what Kerrilynn in coveting right now. Check it out!1 | My Moontime App2 | Sprouted, Roasted Sunflower seeds from Joshua Tree, CA3 | Copper Water Bottle from Sky Ting Yoga4 | Glowing Green Smoothie from Kimberly Snyder5 | Dana James wisdom and friendship6 | Casanova from The Sato Project7 | Everything Creatures of Comfort is doing right now 


Facial Acupuncture: The Beauty Trend That’s On Point


“Fake it Till You Make It” Is A Trap