Terces Engelhart

This week, Terces Engelhart is officiating my wedding to my high school sweetheart! Terces is the definition of unconditional love. She takes motherhood to another level. Being in her presence empowers me to spread love courageously in the world the way she and her husband, Matthew Engelhart have set their mission to do so. I am beyond blessed to know this incredible woman and hope you feel her undeniable presence by finding out just a bit more about her!1 | Let's see, right now, I am really lit up by taking on being a consultant with Rodan and Fields (terces.myrandf.com)  and here is why. I promised myself that I would keep in touch with my niece when my sister, her mother, passed away a couple years ago. So, I kept seeing her post things about R+F on Facebook and I didn't know what it was. After seeing several Before and After pictures I got inquisitive and discovered it was a clinical skin care line. So I reached out, thinking I could support her, and asked her how I could order some products. They arrived and I LOVED THEM, I couldn't believe how effective they were. I had used other skin care but truthfully never convinced it was really making any difference. So after a week or so of using the products I had this inspired thought that I could become a consultant and really support her in fulfilling her dream of being a stay at home mom. So I signed up and I can't believe how lit up, inspired and empowered I feel. While it feels wonderful to be doing something that makes a difference for someone else (my niece and my customers).2 |  I have also discovered that I had lost my sparkle about business. My husband and I are the founders of Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre, and we love what we do, but I'm not in direct contact with our community like I once was and I miss that. I love the personal one on one, I love really being of service to people and helping with products that are really wonderful and effective. I also discovered that while my days were already full. I milk cows, make cheese, feed the farm crew, host a women's group from my church, keep up with nine grandchildren and oversee the culture of our 700 plus employees. I became even more efficient and inspired when I added building a Rodan and Fields skin care business to my life! I never would have guessed I'd be doing this, not in my wildest dreams, that's the miracle of it all.3 | I am also inspired by God right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head (and heart) around a love so big that there isn't anything we can do that will stop Him from loving us. That kind of love inspires me and encourages me to love more, forgive more and care more deeply about everyone. 4 | I have a new friend who has a little girl (2 years old) with special needs. Her courage, love, strength, humor, kindness and just all around realness gives me hope everyday in what is possible, through love, for a human being. 5 | Tea time with my husband and a walk around the farm together are things I look forward to each day. I learned to love tea when growing up as a child in England (for a few years) and while I always had tea with cream and sugar suddenly tea with cream (farm cream) only is my choice and I'm always a bit surprised by that, as I would never have thought that possible. 6 | Surprises are what really light me up these days, being surprised by what is possible, living beyond my imaginings... there is this life... so miraculous. 7 | My grandchildren, they are always surprising me.


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