Natalie Garcia

Maeday Rescue is a P+S fave. Founder Natalie Garcia went from a rising TV show star and red carpet host to becoming the founder of a rescue, rehabilitation and adoption organization to hundreds of homeless animals.It all began in 2010, when Natalie’s life was altered abruptly in ways she could have never predicted. One afternoon Natalie, her dog Maggie Mae and her new foster dog, Pistaché were driving from San Diego to LA, when a car hit them on the freeway. Her car flipped upside down and both Maggie and Pistaché vanished from the accident. Natalie felt helpless, but with help from friends, family and strangers the dogs were found within a week.Pistaché was a little beat up, but a train hit Maggie Mae. The heartbreak and pain felt bottomless for Natalie yet she transcended those emotions to help lost and homeless animals. Maggie Mae is with her every step of the way, guiding her journey.MaeDay Rescue gives back to and finds homes for homeless animals. That unique bond between an animal and human will always drive Natalie to rescue every animal she can.Thank you Natalie for giving a voice to the voiceless!To learn how you can support animals at Maeday Recsue, click here.1 | Nursing baby Opossums- I recently had the chance to save a baby opossums life and now I am obsessed. My neighbors cat brought a tiny opossum into their place and the woman just placed it outside. There are a lot of misconceptions about opossums, one being that they all have rabies. This is not true as they are marsupials and their body temperatures are too low to contract the disease. When I saw the little guy in my neighbor’s yard, I immediately called all my wildlife rescue friends. I soon had it inside next to a hot water bottle and fleece blankets. I gave it pedialyte as they dehydrate real fast and need fluids the first 12 hours of finding them. I only had him for 12 hours, until I gave him to a wildlife refuge volunteer, but I learned how sweet, smart and interesting they are. I'm now thinking of becoming opossum certified to be an official opossum foster!2 | MaeDay Rescue "Trust your Mutt" shirt- This has become my go to Tshirt. Everytime I wear it I get positive comments and smiles. I am constantly listening and checking in with my GUT and one of my favorite pieces of advice has always been "Trust your Gut" I realized I'm also constantly checking in with my two Mutts, I always know their next move and what they are thinking, bottom line, I trust them more than anyone! Trust your Mutt, became a popular MaeDay Rescue saying and one of my favorite shirts. The shirt comes in regular letter print or flocked letters to give it a vintage look. They also run small!3 | Liptar- This is my must have lipstick. They have lots of color options, it stays on long and best part is it's vegan! It's Made with Hemp oil, peppermint oil & Vitamin E, it's gluten free, silicone free, synthetic preservative free! It's basically, the bee's knees!4 | MaeDay Rescue "Rescue 68' " Book- This is our first book to raise money for animals in need. It pairs actors and comedians with homeless dogs all set to a 1968 theme. This book not only features adorable dogs who at the time were homeless, but features some familiar faces like; Jane Lynch, Michaela Watkins, Mo Collins, Beth Grant and many more! By purchasing this book not only do you get a beautiful vintage inspired book to complete your coffee table, 100% of the proceeds goes towards MaeDay Rescue animals in need. We plan to create more books in the future all with different themes, in the hopes to bring awareness to the stray and shelter animal problem in our country. 5 | Palm Springs- I'm currently in the midst of wedding planning and am getting married this summer in Palm Springs. I have been taking lots of Palm Springs weekend trips. Even during the crazy wedding planning schedule, I always find a zen place in Palm Springs. Between the mid-century design and the heat of the desert, it has stolen my heart and is my new happy destination. 6 | Pull-ups- I recently turned 30 and had a goal to do 10 pull-ups by my 30th Birthday. I accomplished that goal and continued to strive for more. I can now do 15 and I feel great! My upper body and abs are getting tone and it makes me feel one with my body. There's something about working out with your own body weight that makes me feel empowered. 7 | Private Karaoke- This is my new jam. I love singing, weather it be in my car, shower or making up jingles. I just discovered the world of private karaoke! There are many private spots in Koreatown where you can bring your own drinks and food. You rent out a room for as long as you want and can choose from hundreds of song choices. I realized I feel confident when I'm in there and it's a natural de-stresser for me. Singing my heart out alone or with friends makes me incredibly happy!


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