Hayley Roy

Therapeutic Skin Coach, Hayley Roy, started her love affair with skincare and all things beautiful at a very young age. Having struggled with acne and other maladies since age 10, Hayley quickly educated herself on how to heal inflammatory conditions from the inside out.After receiving her license in Esthiology in 2006, Hayley has delved into the skincare industry with a love for holistic health care, a need for constant education and growth, and most importantly, an open heart. A turning point for Hayley’s career was when one day, Hayley started to feel feverish and decided to go to the doctor. To her shock, she had shingles. This is a virus that was slowly shutting down her nervous system. After seeking the help of an acupuncturist and taking five daily prescriptions for nearly a month, Hayley learned that she had an over-stressed liver partly due to years of conventional skincare."Our skin absorbs everything we put on it within seconds,” she explains. “The constant absorption of chemicals from skin care products was affecting my health so quickly and I thought I was going to have to quit esthetics. This broke my heart."This roadblock quickly became the catalyst for the change Hayley needed. After taking a hard look at the industry she loved, Hayley turned a setback into a driving force to refocus her role as a Therapeutic Skin Coach. Having been trained by some of the best plastic surgeons in the world, along with her ever growing love for holistic care, Hayley has the ability to find the root of any skin care issue. Combating inflammatory-based conditions such as acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation are her strengths.The most important thing to Hayley's practice is she creates an environment that is not wasteful or harmful to the Earth or you by using 100 percent non-toxic products.Here are her favorite things that make her happy!Thank you so much Hayley for bringing healthier and happier skin to the world.1 | Moon Juice Spirit Dust—I have been using this adaptogen blend by Moon Juice for over a year. The overall anti-inflammatory effect is almost an afterthought to how I genuinely feel calmer in my spirit. My morning ritual with coffee or tea, a little cashew or almond milk and a dash of spirit dust is so important to me. The blend includes Goji, Reishi, Longan, Astragalus, Salvia, and a little Stevia for taste.2 | Poke Acupuncture—I started acupuncture almost six years ago when one of my best friends in Austin offered her services while I was recovering from a small surgery. I find myself seeking acupuncture often and for different aspects of my health. I met Russell from Poke when I was recovering from shingles and he has been my go-to in Los Angeles for over a year now. He is phenomenal and his studio is dreamy and inviting.3 | Pur Soma Jute body dry brush—Dry brushing is huge for me for many reasons. I find we all have stagnations in our bodies that need to be stimulated. This jute dry brush by Pur Soma is my new favorite way to dry brush. I use it before every shower and my skin feels amazing after every use!4 | Waking up with Ryan emails—One of the first things I do every morning is check my emails. This can often overwhelm me, like many, so I subscribe to a few different sites that bring in some positive affirmations to shift my thoughts into a peaceful direction. Waking up with Ryan is my favorite because it’s a daily email with a real view on any and all topics. I love Ryan’s take on life and how his gratitude practice is implemented in his every day. I refuse to start my day without it now.5 | The Woman Code—I was referred this book by my pilates instructor and have since recommended it to almost everyone in my life. I feel so enlightened reading it because it educates me on what is currently going on with my body and how I can regain control of any imbalances. It’s a great book with super attainable information. It is life-changing for any woman dealing with even the slightest hormonal imbalance. My favorite book right now!6 | Jade Roller—My newest tool in my tool box is my jade roller. I had another machine break down recently so I had to get an alternative quickly. I invested in a jade roller as an impulse and am so grateful for the results it immediately brings. I use it all over my face and neck to help permeate my daily serums. The lymphatic movement has helped reduce puffiness in my skin as well help with my migraines. I can’t get over how amazing it is! 7 | Conscious Coconut—I love skincare products just as much as anyone else, however I love keeping things simple. Conscious Coconut is right on my bathroom counter and I use it to oil pull and take my makeup off. The everyday uses I have found for it are endless but what I really love is that for every purchase made a child in need is given a meal through Feeding America Food banks. A win-win in my book!


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