Suzanne Hall

Suzanne Hall is one of our favorite friends and also the talented Editorial and Creative Director of The Chalkboard Magazine. Her passion for all things health and wellness is contagious. Suzanne has her finger on the pulse of what’s happening like no one else we know. Definitively ahead of the curve. With a quick wit and killer style, she makes living well feel cool and accessible. She gets it… like, really well.Suzanne defines wellness as a way of life that goes beyond the green juice: “'Living well is about finding vibrant physical health and having a balanced emotional life, managing stress and living generously in your community.” Well said.All of which is to say, She makes the perfect influencer because she most definitely is one.Thank you Suzanne for your contribution, and answering the question: "What are the top 7 things making your life better right now?"1 | Sun Potion Rhodiola - This is one of my favorite tonic herbs. It's a brain oxygenator which is just as impressive as it sounds. 2 | Chi Gong - Fifteen minutes are so therapeutic feeling. This is perfect for an active morning meditation and balancing the nervous system.3 | Kelp Mask - I discovered Korean beauty products this year and I'm obsessed. This sheet mask is pure kelp and comes in two pieces for perfect application.4 | Air O Swiss -  This tabletop humidifier for my desk has been amazing. We've been running the heat at the office nonstop and it dries out skin like nothing else. I just plug a water bottle into this little humidifier and it sits on my desk to give my skin a hand. 5 | Cashmere from Everlane - I love a sweater dress and Everlane's sustainable, well-made cashmere version is a staple.6 | Four Sigma XOCO Blue - I drank Foursigmatic's powder potions before the holidays and swear it kept me from catching an oncoming cold. Reishi and cordyceps mushrooms did the trick. 7 | Moleskine Journals - I can never have too many moleskine journals. I know blank pages are supposed to be frightening, but I find them exhilarating.  


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