Make This Cleansing Tea A Part of Your New Moon Ritual

A new moon is the phase when it is in conjunction with the sun and invisible from earth. This occurs once, and sometimes twice a month. Just as the full moon is powerful, the new moon is equally symbolic. The new moon offers a powerful opportunity to embark on new beginnings, release old habits, and to set intentions for growth. When the moon disappears from the sky it is an opportunity for us to wipe our slate clean, wash away the old, and call in the new. The universe offers us this opportunity for monthly ritual.Rituals are a beautiful way to invest in creating conscious turning points in our lives-, whether it be the ritual of making a cup of coffee in the morning, or saying a prayer before sleep. They  force us to check in and be present in the moment.This monthly new moon ritual of cleansing and grounding our emotional state also serves as an opportunity to clean our plate. One day a month you can simply release the foods and habits that you know aren't serving you the best. Focus on cleansing foods and lots of liquids. Try to remove sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, and any food that is addictive or may create a block. Eat light to lighten your emotions and make space for all of the beautiful manifestations you are calling in. For many of us beverage is one of the main sources of ritual. Tea or coffee in the morning, wine in the evening, and maybe some more in between.This is why when the new moon comes around, we love to make a tea that supports our cleansing, and keeps us nourished and grounded. If you are feeling ambitious you can consume only this tea all day long, or use it to replace other beverages in your diet and only eat small, light meals.This is an Ayurvedic version of a cleansing tea that will support digestion, improve elimination, and reduce inflammation. Feel free to use only the ingredients you have available or add in others that you feel suit your constitution.| INGREDIENTS |

  • 1-2 tablespoons thinly sliced ginger - improves digestion, curbs appetite, kills fungal or viral infection
  • 1 tablespoon thinly sliced fresh turmeric- anti-inflammatory, reduces oxidative stress
  • 1 teaspoon calendula flowers- skin healing, anti-inflammatory
  • 1 teaspoon oat straw- deep nourishment, high in calcium and other minerals
  • 1 teaspoon rose- to reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system
  • 1-2 teaspoons coriander seeds- reduces inflammation
  • 1-2 teaspoons cumin seeds- improves digestion, increases relaxation
  • 1-2 teaspoons fennel seeds- calms nerves, boosts mental clarity, improves digestion
  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel- rich source of vitamin c
  • 1 teaspoon lemon balm- calms the mind, but increases clarity and cognitive function
  • 4- 5 cups boiling water

| TO BREW | Add all dry ingredients to a french press or to your pot of boiling water. Steep for at least five minutes for optimal extraction. Strain, or press and serve.You can keep adding hot water to your herbs throughout the day. This mixture is good for at least 3-4 brews.Makes 5 cups of tea or more!


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