Marine Azria Hadar

Marine Azria Hadar is co-founder of The Piece Collective, alongside her husband Leron Hadar.  With two stores, one in Venice on Abbot Kinney and another at the Glen Center in Los Angeles, their space always brings light into our day. A place to go for inspiration, weight is lifted off your shoulders as soon as you walk in. The well curated shop has something for everyone. Marine has a true talent for introducing us to new, local designers. Offering a variety of gifts and bits of fashion, from room sprays (our favorite by SANDOVAL) to beautiful jewelry and contemporary looks, The Piece Collective has it all. Not to mention, the two are responsible for the creative hub that houses our other favorite shops like Zenbunni biodynamic chocolate and our daily brew from Another Kind of Sunrise. We couldn’t be more grateful to Marine and Leron for making community such a big part of their vision.Marine is a rare gem. She’s the girl you want to sit down with and ask her to share all her secrets with you- and she probably would. Her uniqueness comes from her self confidence. A true knowing of who she is. She is a woman who lifts other women up. And I know this by interacting with her just a handful of times. If you find yourself in Venice or Hollywood, stop by their shop. Find a new perspective. Allow yourself to be reinspired. You deserve it.We are so excited to share with you a few of her favorite things!

  1. The Time in Between on Netflix! AMAZING!!!
  1. My beautiful friends who also have amazing lines/stores. Sandrine Rose (denim line) designed by Sandrine Abesserra, NATAF Joaillerie (Jewelry) designed by Shannon Nataf, Inland Venice store along with many others... The support system is amazing and watching their dreams come into fruition is the most inspiring thing!
  1. Zen&Bunni Bio-Dynamic Chocolate!!!
  1. Anything HANDMADE. I love seeing and hearing about artists history and process!
  1. A Current Affair- It’s a vintage trade show of that showcase amazing vendors with beautiful pieces from around the world!
  1. Travel. Most of my aesthetic and inspiration comes for being out of my element.
  2. My whole family above all. They are all so creative and different. I learn so much from being around them! I also, got married this year to the man of my dreams. He is my rock.

The Now

