Woman Code

One of the things I love most about living in Los Angeles is the amount of conscious, cool, and intelligent women I have met here. A phenomenon is happening—women are stepping up to take responsibility for making their own lives amazing. Like the Athena Doctrine notes, feminine values can solve our toughest problems and build a more prosperous future. Yes, girls rule!The superficiality I expected to find in Los Angeles has been completely dismantled by a group of women that are concerned with health far beyond what is inflicted by the media. Looking young, staying thin, yoga bodies, overly made up faces, or any of the frivolity you might expect to find in LaLa Land is not what I've found here. I am surrounded by women who are interested in real health. Women who are concerned with what it means to be a mother, a lover, a success in career, what it means to be energized by life. Looking good is only a perk of honing healthy relationships and positive attitudes about it all.  One of the best things about this is being part of a collectively elevated consciousness. I don't know anyone who isn't concerned with self-improvement on the deepest level. Women working together to support one another through all phases of life.  We are here to spread the growth, and it feels amazing!The reading recommendations in these circles are not your typical romance or beach read. Try suggestions like: Mating in Captivity, Expecting Better: Why Conventional Pregnancy is Wrong, Sextrology, How to Think More About Sex, Planets in Transit, Plant Medicine, I could go on…the gamut is covered. Woman Code by Alissa Vitti was one of these recommended reads. With a tag like "Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source," how could I not read it? Among many of the marginalizations women have experienced, one of the most dangerous is the idea that women should act in a way that is completely detached from their cycle. We are led to believe that your period lasts a week at best and this is just a downside of being a girl. The other three weeks of the month, you're supposed to be on the same note every single day. Even scarier is the idea that you can artificially skip your cycle by dosing up on birth control pills. As a woman, your cycle is a gift that lasts all month long. Regulating your hormones, and your period, is part of achieving optimal balance and health in all areas of your life. My mind was literally blown with the explanation that each week we respond to situations differently based on where we are in our cycle. Some weeks we feel more attractive, have improved communication skills, feel more creative, more meticulous, and of course, sometimes more emotional. The breakdown is refreshing and approachable. Alyssa does a brilliant job in bringing together an awareness and understanding of women's health, hormones, and behaviors. She provides an accessible food-based prescription to help you control the flow of your hormones rather than allow them to control you and it's a lot easier than it sounds. The book is fun, easy to read, and literally, life changing! Sign up for your next beach read girls.


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