Tracy Ng

Tracy Ng is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and one of our dear friends. Her practice in Santa Monica is fueled by her passion towards patient healing. She believes that healing involves the commitment to love oneself deeply by taking care of your body through holistic healing, proper nutrition, and lifestyle. With each patient, she considers and treats the mind, body, and spirit so that the root cause of illness or disease can be healed.She educates her patients on how they can be mindfully involved in the healing process and enhances healing with acupuncture, botanicals, nutraceuticals, and Chinese herbs. She is kind, thoughtful and talented in her healing art. Treat yourself next time your heading to the westside of LA  www.tracyng.comBelow are the things making her life better right now. Thank you so much Tracy for your contribution! xx

  1.  My life partner, who is my dear husband, always betters my life.  His support, love, sense of adventure, and creativity fuels my heart.  
  2.  I have been practicing yoga since my early 20’s to help me find my balance, spiritually and quite literally. While yoga is still on my exercise circuit, pilates has been life-changing for my spine health and core strength. I suffered a herniated disc from a massage years ago. My pain level has been managed at a near zero with acupuncture and stretching, but every now and then, my lower back pain acts up if I do not stretch enough. I have had no pain for the past 3 months since starting pilates.  
  3. Employing help when help is needed. We have a 90 lb furbaby, so it is a lot to maintain the hair that often accumulates like tumbleweeds in our hallways. After a day’s work, our house cleaner leaves us with an immaculate space, which gives us a renewed sense of love and gratitude for our sanctuary.  
  4.  I love this time of year, when mother nature floods the sunsets with an orange and pink palette with fluffy cotton candy clouds.
  5.  No blue light or electronics before bed. I love sleep. I have always been a great sleeper and did not know it could get any better.  Since we have eliminated blue light and electronics 30 minutes before bed, my husband and I spend more time cuddling and talking, I have less vivid dreams, and I awake more energized.  
  6.  Gluten-free meal choices.  I enjoy snacking on cheese and crackers, or pita with hummus.  As some of you may know, gluten is an inflammatory food.  Eliminating gluten is even more compelling when you read the research that shows that the gliadin protein down-regulates intestinal permeability for EVERYONE, not just those with celiac disease. This means that gluten promotes intestinal contents to enter the bloodstream and may contribute to autoimmune and inflammatory disease.  
  7.  FaceTime. Unless I am flying to the east coast monthly, which I did for the first year of my nephew’s life, there is no better way of connecting with my sister and 1 year old nephew then via Facetime.  When he sees me, his face lights up with a smile and he tries to touch me through the screen. He has mastered the ET Phone Home finger and clapping, so he pulls out all the tricks when he sees me.  

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