Baelyn Elspeth

Baelyn Elspeth defines the sacred feminine. The way she gracefully moves through the world inspires us to slow down, quiet ourselves, and listen to our womanly intuition. Her energy is pure + light, yet deep + grounded.Baelyn is a master of holding space for communities around the world, sharing the medicine of Tea and Song wherever she lands. Raised in Los Angeles and currently living in Venice, Baelyn focuses on collaborative work, holding retreats, workshops, and private events with other sisters. She is also a council member for the annual women’s gathering “Spirit Weavers.” Her affinity with movement originated from studying dance since she was four years old, providing a doorway into her relationship with spirit, health, and the body.I met Baelyn this month in Tulum, Mexico at a Kundalini Dreamcraft retreat led by Taylor Eyewalker. Each morning with the sunrise, Baelyn served tea in silence to eleven women. She taught us to listen to the subtle messages nature is always communicating. With Baelyn’s gentle guidance, the ceremonies were profoundly healing, beautiful, and something I’d like to practice in my own life. If you ever have the chance to sit with Baelyn, it will change your life. I was fortunate enough to sit next to her on the airplane back to LA where she shared more of her gifts, secrets & self with me. Find out what this radiant beauty is loving in her life.

  1. Daily morning practice: For me this is of the utmost importance. A daily practice allows me to check in and gauge how I am feeling in my body and where my mind is at the start of each day. My general practice consists of gentle intuitive yoga directly upon rising. Slowly stretching, breathing, and waking up my body and spine. Sometimes even massaging myself! Then Anapana breath awareness and Metta meditation. Sometimes I add other things in depending on what I am working with.
  1. Tea: I sit for Tea Ceremony daily. This creates the space for ritual and reminds me of my connection to the elements and that I am a part in nature, never separate from it. It also encourages discipline and reverence, bridging the sacred and the mundane.
  1. Community: It is a blessing to find support around me in every direction, like-minded chosen family that hold me to my highest visions and growth. It is also a gift to have the opportunity to give support and return these reflections, practicing authentic love and compassion.

Communities that nourish and support me:

Spirit Weavers

Global Tea Hut

  1. Book: The Mysticism of Sound and Music by Hazrat Inayat Khan: Really I can't stop highlighting and dog-earing every page!
  1. Music: This is a beautiful rabbit hole and what I listen to depends greatly on the mood I would like to support. Maybe some ragas or flute for some calm meditative states. Or world music to ignite a spark and some physical movement.
  1. Good nourishing food: Farmer's Market. Organic, local, fresh produce. Yogurt, Ghee, and grass fed butter
  1. Rhythm: Singing, drumming, and dancing (preferably in Nature :) )

Visit Baelyn's dreamy website for more stories!


Love Adorned


The Color White