Tigernut Bread

We all want to participate in breaking bread over the holiday season. Metaphysically sharing meals with family and friends is essential to our spiritual well-being. Unfortunately, the holidays pose eating and food stress for many of us. If you are trying to maintain your health and eat foods that make you feel good, holiday eating can be a nightmare. That's why we can't emphasize enough the importance of taking charge and creating a positive experience for everyone.

Bread is a great place to start. Everyone loves it, but unfortunately, the quality of bread in our culture has really been overlooked + alternatives just don't hit the spot.

The art of alternative baking seems to have improved. Or maybe we're getting better. Or maybe it's because of our new favorite ingredient, TigerNut Flour from Organic Gemini, that I'm really starting to fly high on the baking vibes.

The thing that bums us out about substitute baking is that it's easy to end up with a lot of processed ingredients. Rice flours, vegetable oils, and sugars are a far cry from wholesome. There is something to be said about whole grains, gluten-filled or not, that you really miss in gluten-free baking. The texture is often doughy, like cardboard, or just really flat in flavor. In comes tigernut flour to the rescue—seriously!

Tigernuts are a misnomer because they're not nuts at all—they are a starchy tuber vegetable.

The flavor is nutty, rich, and slightly sweet providing a really complex flavor profile in baked dishes. I was a bit skeptical at first, but tigernuts have changed the way I feel about the whole baking thing. Not only are tigernuts a great gluten-free baking substitute, but because they aren't a grain (aka grain-free), they also fall into the paleo camp of traditional eating.

This bread recipe is beyond good—and beyond easy. It's grain-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, paleo + high in protein—whether you choose to use eggs or not!

Our recipe is an adaptation from the Organic Gemini Recipe.


| Ingredients |

  • 6 pastured eggs (or flax eggs - 1 tablespoon ground flax + 3 tablespoons water)
  • 3-4 drops Omica liquid stevia
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ½ tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup + 3 tbsp TigerNut Flour**
  • ¼ cup ground flax
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • Generous pinch of sea salt

| Directions |

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Beat the eggs, stevia, coconut oil and vinegar together in one bowl.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, flax, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Mix dry ingredients slowly into the wet ingredients.
  5. Pour batter into a parchment paper lined loaf pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. (We baked for the full 40 minutes).

Makes 1 loaf.

** We recommend grinding tigernut flour in a coffee or spice grinder. Tigernut flour still contains some shells so the texture can be a bit grainy if you don't thoroughly grind.



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