Tapping Into Self Forgiveness

A Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness 

If I have harmed anyone in any way, 

either knowingly or unknowingly 

through my own confusions, 

I ask their forgiveness. 

If any one has harmed me in any way, 

either knowingly or unknowingly 

through their own confusions, 

I forgive them. 

And if there is a situation 

I am not yet ready to forgive, 

I forgive myself for that. 

For all the ways that I harm myself, 

negate, doubt, belittle myself, 

judge or be unkind to myself, 

through my own confusions, 

I forgive myself.

 Make a list for yourself:I forgive myself for believing that I didn’t deserve to be happy.I forgive myself for punishing myself for so many years.I forgive myself for withholding self-love.I forgive myself for hurting others when I was in pain.I forgive myself for feeling like something is wrong with me.I forgive myself for letting my past dictate my present.I forgive myself for neglecting me and my dreams. 

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves. - Dalai Lama


Saturn in Sagittarius


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