
It’s been a chaotic few years for many to say the least. Astrologically, it’s been intense and challenging, as Uranus (rebellion) and Pluto (transformation) squared (tension) from 2012 to March of this year. These two planets were last seen in conversation during the 60s, when they were conjunct in Virgo. We’ve experienced similar upheaval over the last few years, collectively and personally. But that is beginning to recede now as they separate, allowing us all to integrate, to come back to ourselves and find the equilibrium in our new reality. This autumn we will all be standing on new ground. As we move through the last quarter of 2015, we will experience the final eclipse of 2015: a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries on September 27th (as eclipses come in pairs, this follows a partial Solar New Moon Eclipse in Virgo on September 13th). We usually experience 4 to 5 eclipses in any given year and depending on where they hit our chart, they can fast-forward our lives, often bringing change and heralding new beginnings, especially if they hit a sensitive point in our chart. We can usually feel an eclipse coming on a month before and up to as long as 6 months after the date. They’re powerful harbingers of fate and usually occur on the same axis over a span of 18 – 24 months. The Lunar Eclipse on the 27th may relate to unfolding events reaching back to the following dates: 

  • April 15th, 2014
  • October 8th, 2014
  • April 4th,2015.

 Whatever comes forward, know that we’re, as the final eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis falls on March 16, 2016. We’ll continue on with the Virgo-Pisces axis until February 26, 2017, affecting all those with planets, angles or points in any of the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Trust is often a factor here, as the universe is far wiser than we are. When we surrender to its plan for us, miracles occur. We must have patience. Our job, simply, is to follow the path laid out before us. We don’t need to know the next 25 steps. Each step reveals itself once we’ve taken the last. I am living proof of this. Take, for example, my bed bug situation. Last October (on the date of the eclipse, which hit several points in my chart), I found out that I had to release all my belongings and move in with my sister. A few days after that I met the owner of Unplug, which led to my leading meditations and following my heart and “coming out” as an astrologer. During following eclipse in April I joined forces with Poppy and Seed. Of course, I don’t know where all of this is leading. I am living in what some refer to as divine unknowing and it is at times terrifying, but I do have faith and that faith is what gets me through. All I have to do is take one step after the other. If you are being hit by an eclipse, know that there is a plan for you (as I know there is one for me) and that you are exactly where you should be (caveat: if you are in any kind of abusive relationship, get out now. That’s not the kind of acceptance I’m referring to.) And then, from this place of acceptance, with the Universe as our back, we take inspired action, knowing we will be met. Part of autumn is preparing for winter hibernation, which requires a moving inward. In our age of instant gratification, we are often discouraged when we don’t see immediate results. But winter reminds us that change is always occurring, even when not evident to the naked eye. So, too, with these eclipses, allow them to marinate, to settle in. After all, how else are we to process all that is constantly unfolding? How else are we to take in the magnificence?


Bakeology Girls


Letting Go of the Old