Taylor Eyewalker

The radiant Taylor Eyewalker is the perfect example of a Yogi: “A person who knows how to manage their own energy.” We admire her worldliness and especially enjoy watching her flow through her ever-expanding life. Though she is always on the go, her presence is strong and grounding. Taylor owns femininity and spending time with her reminds us what a privilege it is to be a woman.Taylor AKA Jap Inder Kaur, is a Kundalini yoga teacher, scent alchemist, and spirit counseling coach. Between blissful bouts of creating, healing, and leading, you can find the urban goddess writing, traveling, creating art projects, and drinking tea. Guided by the clear intention of feeling and embodying more vibrancy, joy, and clarity in her every moment, Taylor's ever-unfolding yogic path has led her to the very forefront of the wellness movement, guiding others toward their own expression of their highest potential by way of this exciting new health paradigm.1. I found Kundalini yoga in 2006 and my life has changed beyond measure since then, so much so that I teach it now! Every day I get the opportunity to share this technology with amazing people and it keeps me up, so that I can be youthful, radiant, vibrant, and aware.2. Tea. Some people go straight to tea bag thinking. I'm not talking about tea in a bag, I'm talking about cha tao, the way of tea. I’ve found an incredible morning practice and a relationship with the leaf. I drink tea from a lineage of growers in China and Taiwan. It is something called living tea where the tea has life, longevity, and energy. My tea teacher says, without meditation, tea is just a beverage. So we meditate and it changes our relationship to not only tea, but everything we're doing.3. Creating scents! I started my own organic perfumery line because I was so inspired by the journey of scents, but didn't love the synthetic fragrances to go along with it. This is my way to infuse beauty, love, mantra and art into something that could give another person an incredible experience. I love that scent can change your mood. In an instant, a person can feel completely different and more embodied! That's essential and inspiring to me.4. Cacao. I'm obsessed with this little raw vegan chocolate shop in Long Beach called Anandamide: Psychedelicatessen. Every day of my life I enjoy a piece of chocolate from here!5. The art of conscious communication. This is something everyone can benefit from. I'd love to see this being taught in school systems. This is essential for harmonious human dynamics. Just imagine how much time you could save and relationships you could keep energetic, just by learning how to communicate. I know I'm able to improve my relationships simply by communicating well. Such a powerful tool for inner harmony.6. The ability to travel, see different parts of the world and teach. Traveling constantly gives me a new perspective. It fuels me so much to touch the hearts of those I've maybe never met and share something with them. I get inspired to see all the different social cultures all over the world and how we, as outsiders to that norm, can relate.7. Pilates….My list wouldn't be complete without my spx Pilates class. My body and the way I feel about myself has transformed tremendously through the training of Ky Evans at the studio MDR. Hardest training I've ever done, blows cross fit out of the water, and afterwards I've never felt more accomplished and amazing in my skin!7 1/2. To love and experience all of these things with my boyfriend Justin make them even more amazing! We've grown to become the closest of friends, the sweetest of lovers and a very dynamic collaborative duo! Life is better when I can share it with him.


Cacao Bliss at Anandamide


Tapping Out