Juli Novotny Goddard

Juli Novotny Goddard is one of our long-time health foodie friends and inspirations. She's a gorgeous mom with great style and she happens to be super talented–hello!? In love. She founded Kookie Karma, which was way ahead of its time—gluten-free, raw, vegan, high- protein and awesome! She also has a beautiful blog that we're constantly stalking.Juli is an avid "green" chef, entrepreneur, mom of three kids and follower of a plant heavy diet. She holds a BA from the School Of Communications at UCLA. Juli joined the food industry at age 24 when she founded a gluten-free food company. Her products, recipes, and writing has appeared in InStyle Magazine, Yogi Times, Huffington Post, Whole Foods Markets, C California, Fitness Magazine and she writes a monthly column for The Honest Company. For more of her healthy recipes check out her food blog: PUREmamas.comThank you so much, Juli, for sharing all the goodness that keeps you glowing!The 7 things she can't live without:

  1. Pour over coffee- It's the only way to drink coffee. I drink a half cup only in the morning and it makes me so happy. I guess I could technically live without it, but I have quit coffee many times and alway seem to come back to this routine.
  2. Exfoliant {no specific brand}- if a weeks goes by and i only wash my face with water and cleanser, i feel dirty still.
  3. Lemons- Lemons are my favorite thing. i use lemons in my water everyday; i cook with lemon peel and make dressings and smoothies with the juice.
  4. Cultured vegetables - I not only love the flavor of sauerkraut but it's such a wonderful way to healthy bacteria in the diet. I like it better than kefir or supplements.
  5. The mountains - There is something serene about the quietness of the mountains and the air quality that makes me feel at peace. I'd say even more so than the ocean. We recently moved homes and the new house is up on a hill way up in the trees. It's the closest I will get to the mountains and it will do for now.
  6. Dwell MagazineThis magazine has decorated my coffee tables for years now. I still get super excited every time it comes in the mail. Minimalism plus modern unique style makes for a perfect home if you ask me.
  7. Nude TkeesMy husband hates these shoes because I wear them so often. That's how much I love them. I did recently get some Birkenstocks so that there's some variety in my wardrobe.
  8. Vice on HBO- This is the best show. I don't watch the news because it's so biased and super depressing. Vice keeps me updated on subjects that matter and they give the real story, which is important.

Landing Exactly Where We Are


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