Juice Pulp Crackers

JuicePulpCrackersThe principle of wasting as little as possible is very important to us. It really is one of the key elements behind keeping a green and sustainable kitchen and household (and planet). Unfortunately, waste is often overlooked. For those of us with a desire to be mindful with what we consume, waste cannot be overlooked. Increasing our physical health is dependent on the health of our planet and the health of our resources. Sustainability is the name of the game. One of our staple foods that can feel very wasteful is juice. How many of you come home from the grocery store with a massive pile of fresh vegetables that look like they could feed you for days—and then in the juicer it's reduced to a 16 ounce glass that barely serves as a snack. It feels a little counterintuitive, wasteful, and not to mention extremely uneconomical. We aren't giving up juice anytime soon. As a solution, we took it upon ourselves to turn one of our favorite foods into one of our second favorite foods—crackers. We have so much love for the juice pulp cracker. They are such an awesome way to stretch your produce and your dollar. They literally turn juice into a no waste situation. Not only are they resourceful, they are gluten free, vegan, raw, paleo, packed with fiber and taste amazing. Hello?! Juice pulp crackers are a delicious experiment and hard to mess up! Any standard blend for juicing works well—a little fruit, some greens, some herbs, some citrus and even some ginger. If you are making a really intense juice shot—that pulp will be too strong. Don't make a juice pulp cracker out of strictly ginger. The key is to have a mix. In general, if the juice tastes good, so will the pulp! Make sure you taste the mix as you go along. Be mindful that once the crackers are dehydrated or baked their flavors will intensify. Approximate Ratios We Use: 

  • 4 cups of pulp
  • 1 cup soaked flax
  • 1 cup soaked pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons ground chia
  • 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of a few dried herbs and spices of your liking! We like a little cumin and cayenne in ours.


  1. Mix until all ingredients are well combined.
  2. Spread mixture evenly on dehydrator trays or baking sheet (approx 1/4 inch thick). Dehydrate at 115 overnight or bake on your oven's lowest temperature for about 45 minutes. Flip halfway through to make sure they are completely crisp.
  3. Makes about 2 dozen crackers

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