Lee Tilghman

A bowl a day keeps the doctor away! Is that a thing yet? If so, Lee Tilghman would be the most in demand pharmacist in town. Lee does many great things, but she is known for her beautiful superfood smoothie bowls that are almost too pretty to eat! We love seeing people make life more fun through creative entrepreneurship and if you make it taste good- that's even better!Lee Tilghman is a health food entrepreneur, private chef, and recipe developer based between Los Angeles and New York City. Most recently, Lee has been throwing a pop-up shop to sell her famous smoothie bowls at Alma Restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles.  Lee thrives on creating healthy, satisfying meals, leading an active lifestyle, and encouraging others to live a balanced life. Food has long been her passion- she has been involved in almost every aspect of the industry from working on organic farms to helping open restaurants (including SoHo's premiere market to table eatery, Chalk Point Kitchen). She also makes granola (@granolee) and it’s simply amazing. Thank you Lee for keeping us INSPIRED!7 things that are making my life better right now:1) Living in the moment –  I wake up every morning and give thanks for a new day. Every morning we wake up, we are given a new opportunity to start fresh, give life our all and make the changes we want to see in the world. I used to find myself dwelling on the past and constantly compare it to my present situation. This was a very disordered way of thinking and it was stunting my emotional growth. I realized that I wasn’t living in the present. Life is the greatest gift we have-just to be alive and reading this, you are living in the moment. It’s hard for us to remember this, so it’s a challenge and journey of course. But keeping this thought in mind when life gets crazy is definitely my #1 tip.2) My Moleskin journal – I studied creative writing in college and writing will always be a part of me. I always carry about my Moleskin red leather journal to jot down feelings, thoughts, recipes, notes, ideas. I also use it as a daily journal, diary type of thing. I love recording my life’s happenings and then going back 6 months later to see how far I’ve come. It’s an important way for me to retain perspective.3) My Spirulizer – all of those zucchinis at your local market are a sure sign that summer is here. I love making huge raw salads for lunch and dinner on a bed of spirulized zucchini. They are so versatile and easy to prepare, it’s like healthy fast food.4) Big, fatty fuerte avocados – nothing is more satisfying to me than cutting through the flesh of a fresh avocado. Anyone who follows me on Instagram (@leefromamerica) knows how obsessed I’ve recently become with my local farmer’s fuerte avocados. They’re a bit more expensive than your average hass, but they are always perfect, organic, and full of those good fats my skin and blood crave.5) Long runs outside – running is my drug of choice. I spent the early part of winter recovering from a minor running injury and through intensive strengthening exercises and physical therapy, I am finally strong enough to begin running again. I missed it so much. There is nothing more therapeutic to me than running outside.  They say the key to happiness is finding something that makes you happy and doing it every day. Well for me, that’s running, without a doubt.6) Sun Potion’s He Shou Wu - forever on a quest to give up caffeine, I have started replacing my morning cup of joe with this wildcrafted jar of light. He Shou Wu is known to nourish the blood, hair, skin, and nervous center.7) Ty Segall- I’m obsessed with Ty Segall’s music and have been since he emerged onto the scene when I was still in college. I feel like we’ve grown up together. I watched (or heard) his sound transform from a music project in his garage to the intensely addictive lo-fi rock band that he is now. He just makes awesome music, and every time I listen, I want to get up and dance around in my underwear.


Paying Attention


Kicking Unwanted Habits