Crystal Healing with Azalea Lee

 The moment you step into Place 8 Healing you immediately feel the energy and power of the lovely Azalea Lee’s crystal healing space. Glass cases float in a white studio that hold some of the most stunning and pure crystals and gems that Poppy and Seed has ever laid eyes on. Adorned in a soft purple dress and constantly full of laughter, Azalea Lee is the creator of Place 8 Healing. Lee, who has only practiced crystal healing for two years, seems as if she has been doing this kind of work for many lifetimes. Before she discovered her calling as a crystal healer, she worked as a costume designer in Los Angeles. From a very young age, she wanted to know her purpose in life. She warmly jokes that she found her soul mate and her dream house, but still couldn’t gather her true life purpose. One of her friends suggested she go digging for rocks and gems and this changed her life.IMG_6995-2We are truly grateful for Lee’s discovery of the healing powers of crystals. Lee offers private crystal healing sessions, crystal healing classes, intuitive crystal and flower essence consultations. She also has her own metaphysical jewelry line: As Above So Below.Lee’s Crystal Healing 101 Workshop is for those who not only seek to learn more about the magic of crystals, but also how to really work with them. Lee believes people are drawn to crystals for a reason and that we have all worked with them in our past lives. In her workshop, we learned about crystals, crystal grids, how crystals metaphysically work, which crystals work with what chakras, how to heal with crystals, and how to intuitively connect with crystals to channel information. The most important lesson everyone left with is to first and foremost trust yourself. Lee is amazingly intuitive with crystals and provides an abundance of knowledge, but ultimately lets each individual work with the crystals in their own way, based off their own guidance. She nurtures the idea that you know yourself better than anyone else.IMG_6998-2Throughout the class we exercised observation, meditation, intuitive crystal reading, and writing skills. Fifteen women sat in a circle of love and trust and shared their experience with crystals to one another. Lee provides crystal education, but allows space for everyone to create their own personal beliefs and connections with crystals. Lee discussed the difference between artificial, manipulated crystals and pure crystals, what crystals should be staples in all collections, how to use and cleanse your crystal collection. Lee is confident that the crystals most readily available in the world are the crystals human beings need most.“Heal yourself to heal the world” was a mantra we heard repeatedly throughout the workshop. Your own self-healing experience with crystals is the most important. Crystals work differently with everyone. Lee doesn’t follow a crystal bible or listen to pre-notions about crystals and their qualities. She said you can use guidebooks as confirmations if you’d like. Lee constantly encouraged the class to feel how their energy interacted with the crystals because not everyone has the same dealings. Poppy and Seed left Place 8 Healing refreshed, recharged, and inspired to work more closely with crystals. Lee’s workshop is more than a workshop—it is truly a beautiful space for healing.IMG_7005-2IMG_6955-2


Summer Salad + Poppy & Seed Vinaigrette


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